33rd Annual Spring Garden Fair and Plant Sale
The Master Gardeners of Union County are once again offering a diverse selection of annuals, homegrown perennials, tomato seedlings, other vegetables and herbs as well as houseplants to the public at a reasonable cost. This year native plants will be for sale in a greater quantity due to increased demand.
In addition to the plant sale, there will also be some fun and educational opportunities for all ages, including learning about different gardening techniques and taking a self-guided tour of our demonstration garden.
The Garden Helpline will be available at their own booth to answer any questions about plant and insect issues. Rutgers soil test kits will be available at this booth for $20.00.
Please arrive early for the best selection. Cash or checks only.
Rain or shine, we will be there!
2023 Master Gardener Pin Party
The Rutgers Master Gardeners of Union County held its 35th annual recognition party for volunteer Master Gardeners on October 1, 2023. Over 70 Master Gardeners gathered at Westfield Presbyterian Church. County Commissioner Bette Jane Kowalski was in attendance to thank the many Master Gardeners that were recognized for their service.